17 Feb 2023 | Jennifer
How To Relieve Herniated Disc Pain?
Natural wear and tear can cause chronic pain. Disc degeneration and herniations are the most severe problems. When this occurs the inner part protrudes out of the tear, irritating adjacent nerves. Between each pair of adjacent spine bones, the spinal discs serve as protective shock absorbers. The inner portion of the disc protrudes outwards when the outer layer develops a tear, which irritates nerves and results in pain, numbness, and weakness. The effects of the herniated disc extend beyond back pain because the spinal cord stimulates sensations throughout the body.
Many treatments are there to help you treat and manage herniated disc pain. Contact Dallas Back Clinics if you have a herniated disc.

Conservative treatments for herniated disc
A simple treatment for herniated discs involves changing activities to avoid movement that pains or using painkillers, such as :-
Pain medications :- Your doctor may prescribe ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin Ibuprofen), naproxen (Aleve), or acetaminophen (Tylenol) for moderate pain. Medication can provide relief but can’t address the underlying issue. Your treatment plan should ideally help you manage your pain to carry out daily activities and avoid surgery.
Neuropathic medicine :- These treatments aim to alter nerve signals in order to reduce your discomfort. These medications include venlafaxine (Effexor XR), gabapentin (Gralise, Horizant, Neurontin), pregabalin (Lyrica), or duloxetine (Cymbalta, Drizalma Sprinkle).
Cortisone injections :- Your doctor may advise and administer a corticosteroid injection directly into the painful area of your back where the herniated disc is located if taking oral medication does not help your herniated disc symptoms.
Muscle relaxers :- If you are having muscle spasms, your healthcare provider may recommend muscle relaxers. Sleepiness and dizziness are side effects of these medicines.
Physical therapy :- Some exercises are helpful in alleviating symptoms of a herniated disc. Your back muscles can be strengthened by doing certain exercises. Physical therapy programs also include aerobic exercises, stretching exercises, massage, ice and heat therapy, and electrical muscle stimulation.

Ozone disc injection for back pain
Consider non-surgical ozone disc injection treatment if you want to avoid surgery or if your surgery has not worked to reduce your pain. In addition to efficiently treating disc herniations, the ozone disc injection treatment also promotes the long-term health of discs by :-
- Increasing the number of cells in the annulus may help to heal the tear(herniation).
- Moving your body's own stem cells to the area in order to repair damaged cells.
- Reducing inflammation.
- Improving blood circulation to the area.
- Increasing lymphatic drainage.
- Increasing the disc's cells' ability to resist oxidative stress.
Some herniated discs require surgery, which has its risks and complications. Also, there's a risk of developing failed back surgery syndrome, which can make the recovery period for surgery more painful. The ozone disc injection treatment does not significantly cause trauma to your body, unlike spine surgery. Furthermore, unlike surgery, which can result in long-term issues including accelerated disc degeneration and back pain, it does not alter your anatomy. The ozone disc injection method can be safely repeated if necessary and the positive effect is cumulative because it does not change the anatomy of the disc.