22 Feb 2023 | Jennifer
Treatments For A Herniated Disc : Common Myths
A herniated disc, which occurs when a disc in the spine develops a break and the soft inner material pushes outward, usually leads to back pain. Back pain may persist if the inner disc material pushes up against a spinal nerve. Knowing what is true and what is false regarding the treatment for a herniated disc will help you get the correct care you require if you are experiencing back pain.

You may have heard one of the following herniated disc myths :-
Surgery is the only option :- Your doctor may have a treatment plan for you to relieve herniated disc without surgery. Physical therapy, therapeutic exercise, stretching to help relieve pressure on the nerve root, and spinal manipulations are some options.
Movements such as physical activity and exercise will make disc injury worse :- Rest may provide short-term relief but extended rest may worsen your symptoms. Your doctor may recommend stretching and exercise and a physical therapist will help your back muscles become stronger and lessen your discomfort.
The pain from a herniated disc never goes away completely :- Instead, by working with your doctor to find a suitable treatment, you can eventually resume your regular daily activities without any obvious or long-lasting pain.
Discs can slip out of place :- The anterior longitudinal ligament and the posterior longitudinal ligament, which are connected by discs, keep them firmly in place. The tough exterior of the discs, the annulus fibrosus protects and surrounds the nucleus pulposus. A disc is held in between vertebrae so firmly that it is impossible for it to slip out. The term "slipped disc" is often used to refer to a herniated disc.
I'll be disabled or have limits that last a lifetime :- Herniated discs can be extremely painful, making even ordinary activities like sitting, sleeping, and walking agonizing and distressing. Many people worry that the pain will never go away. The treatment plan of your doctor will help you return to your normal life without any permanent pain.
A herniated disc may even be caused by sneezing :- You can go through the day unaware that your discs are weak. You may not even experience any pain or other signs that you have a back problem. Even a sneeze can trigger pain that's actually due to a weakened disc, not by the sneeze itself.
Imaging tests such as MRIs will reveal the cause of my back pain :- MRI can show injuries you have. It also reveals aging-related changes such as disc degeneration. As a person ages, their discs may degenerate, or wear out. MRI can detect these issues. The problem is that your pain may not be caused by a herniated disc or protrusions shown by an MRI.

Don’t believe everything that you hear. Always consult a specialist, and visit Dallas Back Clinics for the treatment of herniated discs.